The difference between THINKING and FEELING can be significant when considering how the energy is processed by your human form. If you spend a lot of time THINKING, you may find yourself spending a lot more energy doing so. But if you learn to FEEL exactly where you want to be, you will attract that reality rather than having to continue thinking about it.
We will analyze the effects of these two distinct ways of processing cosmic energy. But first, its a good idea to understand and accept some truth about the forces of the physical realm. I'm going to assume you are familiar with gravity which is bound by the "Law of Attraction", the forces of which are ever present in the physical realm of experience. You cannot escape them nor any other natural force as long as you are contained in a physical form. The Law of Attraction is governed by electromagnetic charges that mandate its principles and inescapable reality. If you are a physical form that is exposed to electromagnetism, you are simply a processor of such energy in the physical realm that experiences these charges. As such, you are forced to live within the confines of their omnipresent power with very little choice beyond your acceptance and obedience to them.
If you are perceived in the physical realm as a "living" being, you have limited control over how charges are processed through your form. As a living organism, you can consciously direct the energy that is processed through your form by THINKING and/or FEELING. Feeling can actually boost the incoming signal while Thinking tends to slightly impede its progress through our forms. So "Thinking" carries a greater impedance to the incoming charges than "Feeling". Thinking has evolved as a mind/brain feature of the human organism out of the perception of fears through many generations of the species. Other living beings that also have complex brains do not learn how to THINK as much as they learn how to use their instincts to FEEL their way through life. So while the human brain comparatively has evolved to be much more complex in faculties, giving us more thinking and reasoning capabilities, the function of thinking does have its advantages and disadvantages.
When you look around, every being that is perceived in a particular type of reality THOUGHT and/or FELT it was there before it ever attracted the manifestation of its current state or condition. And it is true from the simplest organisms to the most complex. For a human to develop, a single ambitious egg and sperm cell each FELT it could accomplish the mission of becoming a human form from the programming of the human mind that stimulated its ovulation or ejaculation. And so the programing of thoughts and feelings continues throughout the perceptions of birth, life and death cycle until the consciousness that animates the life form chooses another path of existence. But any form found in this realm is exposed to electromagnetic forces that cannot be escaped. These charges reign supreme around and through all physical forms whether perceived as living processors or simply dead receptors of energy.
So, what is to be said of continued human ambitions considering the forces of nature throughout the life cycle? How do we pursue the things we desire when feeling so bombarded by inescapable reality? Is there a better way to manage the energy being processed through our energetic forms?
My opinion seems to supported by other metaphysicians who subscribe to what has been commonly referred to as "The Secret".
The feeling of pursuing something only seems to attract more pursuits. When you truly desire something, if you learn how to FEEL yourself in that state of reality, you will ultimately attract all the attributes of that reality. Now this may still require some patience. And holding fast to a feeling of optimism can be difficult until patience is mastered.
But the more you THINK about it, the longer it seems to take for a reality to manifest. That is... IF you don't impede its progress to the point that you are not able to ever see it manifest at all.
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